Coming Soon!
FOUNDED ON THE ROCK! From Convert to Disciple
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, Matthew 28:16
FOUNDED ON THE ROCK is a definitive work for all
followers of Christ desiring to make Disciples of those they
encounter along their Christian walk.
A wonderful teaching aid to all Leaders desiring to, fully
disciple those new to a life in Christ.
Those teaching from, “Founded on the Rock!” will have a
renewed FIRE for Christ and their ministry.
Those receiving the teaching will grow in the vigour and the
passion needed to take the world for Christ.
Those new to the knowledge of Salvation through Jesus
Christ will be enabled to keep the fire ignited in them, by
Salvation; lit and burning brightly.
FOUNDED ON THE ROCK! Is a must have and a must read
for every Christian ministry, leader, teacher and follower of
Christ. - Dr. Cauline E. Thomas-Brown; Senior Apostle
End Time Army Ministries Alliance Ltd
Watch this space for 2021 releases scheduled from the author....